Friday, July 16, 2010

Hello Again

Wow.  I have been laaaaazy about posting lately.  I think about the next post, I write it out in my head, and then.  And then.  Nothing! 

Summer is in full swing here in the Midwest.  These are the days that I live for.  These are the days that somehow keep me going in the dreary winter, when the sun never shows herself.  Gotta add to my Vitamin D bank while I can, right?

We've had the chance to go out on our friend's boat a few times. . . . .

had a blast at Blarney Island. . . . .

. . . . .got in some good quality dog time. . .

 . . . . . .had fun with this little cuttie pie. . . .

. . . . . .and spent the 4th at the Barn house again. . . . .

For me, summer doesn't get much better than this.
Hope your summer is everything you've hoped for.