We had big plans to head out west to Colorado. Just the two of us. . .hiking, exploring, having a good time. But then life, and namely Justices' cancer got in the way and we had to scrap our plans. We know our time with him is limited so we couldn't bear the thought of being away from him for any longer than necessary.
But really, who would want to leave this little Chocolate love for a week and a half? Not me! Not Country.
We decided to pack up the RV (no, not ours unfortunately!) and head out on a six day adventure with our favorite canine companions.
I mean, what dog doesn't love to camp? Outside for hours and hours, lots of walks and hikes, hot dogs and marshmallows. . . .
. . . . . .or their regular food in their Fiestaware bowls. But it tastes better because they're outside eating it!!
And hanging out with Mom and Dad. . . . .
Okay, okay, here's a nice picture where we're not acting goofy:
Pay no attention to the "Leisure Travel" printed on the RV. I mean, we were roughin' it. Keeping it real. No comfy bead to lie our weary heads. No air conditioning. No running water or flat screen TV to snuggle up in front of late at night, after the campfire died down.
Do you believe me?
You don't?
Well, believe this--Turkey Run is Bee-you-tee-full. I mean, straight up awesome.
How cool is this cabin?! Look at the size of those logs!
Country attempted to carve our names in this tree but didn't come equipped with the right knife. Oh well, it's the thought that counts, right?
Me, just sitting on a rock.
Country is our navigator. Always. Trust me. I try, really I do, but maps look like a foreign language to me.
What a show off. I kept telling him he did not have to move mountains, or trees, or whatever to be with me; that his love was enough.
I wished my picture did this justice.
From there, we headed slightly east, over to Cayuga, IN. We stopped in and visited with some friends who recently had a beautiful baby boy.
I don't really know this couple all that well. . . .we've only met a handful of times, but by the time Country and I left their house, I felt like I had new family members. I love when that happens.
The boys went exploring while she and I hung around the house with the baby. Of course, they requested that we take some pics with them and their toys.
What's that saying? Boys will be boys? Oh yeah, I think that's it.
I assure you that these gentlemen have very high safetly standards when it comes to their guns.
Then we took some "serious pictures" out in their backyard. (5 acres!!! I want 5 acres!!)
This is one of the best behaved babies I have ever seen.
A tree swing! Eeek!
Then we loaded up our camping equipment selves in the RV and headed a bit north to
Prophetstown State Park.
Justice was ready to go.
So, instead of the woods, Propetstown was pretty much mostly prairie. Which means that I took 4,590 pictures of wildflowers and butterflies with my new camera. I mean, a girls' gotta practice, right? (And besides, I already have 5,692 pictures of the dogs so it was nice to have a change in subject matter).
I'll spare you all but a couple of prairie pics.
I have always had a fascination with butterflies. . . . beautiful, right?
I'm gonna level with you. This next picture makes me kind of sad. Don't get me wrong, I love the picture, but that leaf was a big 'ol reminder that the sun is almost setting on summer.
Well, it certainly wasn't Colorado but we sure did love our little trip.