But a foot of snow makes for an ever loooooonger commute and I am so done with winter thankyouverymuch. Done.
I swear, the only thing that seems to be getting me through winter are these little cuties:
I am being totally for real when I tell you that I have single handedly eaten 20 lbs of these little gems in the past month and a half. They are like candy to me. I suppose it's better I've eaten 20 lbs of clementines than candy . . . . .hmmm.
Speaking of winter sports, Country got to try his hand in a variety of winter activities. First up was ice skating with his sister and neices. He said he went once before but it had been a very long time. He skated pretty well. Until he fell on his wrist. Whoops!
Then we went to central Wisconsin to visit my grandparents. We all geared up and brother #2, Country, Papa and I all headed out on the snowmobiles. Driving a snowmobile is as natural as me as driving a car. I think my mother gave birth to me on a snowmobile. And then put ice skates on my feet. But anyway, since he drove a jet ski once, I figured he was ready for the challenge. Don't worry. Brother #2 went out to find him when we realized Country wasn't behind us anymore. He was fine and so was the windshield of the snowmobile. Just a little crack. Nothing a little duct tape won't fix.
I don't think we'll go skiing anytime soon.
In other news, Country will be back to work full time in less than 2 weeks! Woot woot! We are so very happy.
And, OH! How could I forget?! Little Man turned 1 year old last week! Brother #1 and Sister-in-Love threw a lovely little shindig.
Love it all!(the post, not winter!)