So, the new downstairs bathroom is coming along nicely. The tile is in and ready to be grouted. We picked up a door for super cheap at Home Depot. Cool story behind the door actually. We went to Home Depot and talked to a great guy named Tom in the door department. We told him what we were looking for; a solid wood, louvered door (this door leads to the 'furnace' room) with panels on the bottom. Since this is not a door that they stock, we would have to custom order it. So, he puts all the specs in the computer to see what the price would be and tells us $270. Yikes. For a door that leads to the furnace? So, Country starts brainstorming and thinks we can just get a regular door and he can build the louevers himself, but we're both thinking what a pain in the arse this will be. So Tom says, "You know, I think we have one of these up front in the clearance section." Clearance section? I've been to this Home Depot about a millions times, can smell a bargain a mile away and I've never even seem the clearance section. So we go up there and sure enough, there's our door. The best part? They knocked some additional money off and we got it for 75 bucks! Can you believe it!?
So, why I think this is so cool is that on that very morning, I had donated a big box of food to the food pantry and a big bag of clothes to Goodwill. I like to think that this is good karma coming full circle and that if you live your life the best way you can and are generous that it can and it will come back to you.
Let me give you a little background on this new bathroom. The room started out like this:
It was a furnace/dungeon when I bought the house. So, I put in new flooring and painted the walls a fun purple color and the workbench blue and green and turned this room into a craft room. Shortly after, the basement flooded and all that work went down the tubes. With that being said, we had to cut into the concrete to get to some pipes, blah, blah, blah and then we decided to put in a full bath since the floor was all cut up anyway. Then life got in the way and this room sat for several years untouched.
Fast forward. Here's the transition:
(When it's finished that will hold shampoo bottles, not beer bottles)
River rock mosaic tiles. LOVE them.
This room sure has come a long way. . .almost there! Hopefully we'll get it grouted this weekend.
On another note, I have been day dreaming about my garden all. the. time. I can't stop! I am soooo ready for winter to be over and I'm drooling just thinking about tomatoes. I picked up some seeds yesterday.
What do you think? I still have to get some onions. What else? Hmmm. I can't wait. I wish we could grow avocados here. That would make Country and I very happy. We've been eating a lot of 'em lately.
Also want to congratulate Tasha and Jeff on their pregnancy! It's been a long road for them and I can't think of another couple as deserving! Congrats you guys! xoxo
Can't wait to see the bathroom w/ your fabulous decorating! Can't wait to see the garden too!